Archive for April 4, 2013

Anti Dandruff Shampoo

As early as 18 years old, I suffer an excessive amount of hair fall every single day of my life making me freak out every time of the day. I would see my own hair on the bathroom drainage, pillow, keyboard, floor – just anywhere – and my hair feels like falling as I walk around the house. My mother probed that this problem has started during my pageant years where I blow dry and style my hair a lot. I used to disagree with her since every girl in town uses hair dryers in the morning and style their hair to look pretty.

Then, someone told me that it must be because of dandruff because of the unexplainable itchiness and frizz. I meticulously chose an anti-dandruff shampoo and applied the product on a regular basis. It has lessened the hair fall but the whole process tends to be gradual.
Today, I enjoy the relief of surviving the most common problem of human hair – dandruff – which has led me to severe hair fall. So, if you experience these typical symptoms of hair fall, better yet not prolong the agony and apply the treatment suitable for your hair type; or you may call your doctor for some advice.